Adopted name of Bernard Schwarz (1925-) US film actor who starred in the 1950s and 1960s in such films as The Vikings 1958 and The Boston Strangler 1968, as well as specializing in light comedies such as Some Like It Hot 1959, with Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe.
Charles 1860-1936 vice president of the United States (1929-33)
(1872-1942) US astronomer who deduced that spiral nebulae were galaxies that produced a cloud of debris which accumulated in the plane of the galaxy.
Curtis was born in Muskegon, Michigan, and studied classics at the University of Michigan. At the age of 22, he became professor of Latin at Napa College, California. Access to the small observatory there changed his career, and in 1897 he became professor of mathematics and astronomy at the University of the Pacific. He subsequently worked at a number of US observatories and 1906–09 in Chile, but most of his research was done at the Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton, California, between 1898 and 1920.
Curtis worked on a program for the measurement of stellar radial velocities 1902–09. For the next 11 years he concentrated his efforts on spiral nebulae, trying to establish whether they were distant star clusters or clouds of debris. From studying photographs he concluded that they were both. If such a cloud of debris had also gathered outside our own Galaxy, this would explain why none appeared in the plane of the Milky Way. Spiral nebulae in that position would simply be obscured by dust.
Cyrus (Hermann Kotzschmar) 1850-1933 American publisher
George Ticknor 1812-1894 American lawyer and writer.
George William 1824-1892 American author and editor.
City in Nebraska (USA); zip code 69025.