B2B značenje | engleski leksikon

B2B značenje | engleski leksikon



Short for business-to-business. The electronic exchange of products and services between businesses without the direct involvement of consumers. B2B’s effects on business include streamlining purchasing, accounting, and other administrative functions; lowering transaction costs; and simplifying the sale of excess inventory. Related businesses have collaborated on the creation of Internet-based supply-chain networks.

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bab | baba | Babbie | babe | baboo | babu | baby | bawbee | Beebe | beebee | bib | Biba | bibi | Bío-Bío | bob | bobby | boo-boo | boob | booby | bouba | boubou | Boy, oh boy! | bub | Bubba | bubby | bubo | by-by

Reč dana 13.09.2024.

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imenica, računari
muški rod, železnica